I was born into a conservative household and am a conservative to this day. I believe that the United States is the greatest country in the world. I feel that the current administration and leadership is failing in its sole purpose. If elected, I am willing to do everything I can to protect the freedoms, rights, and opportunities available to all citizens of this great country.

The Issues That Matter

  • Control Inflation: Inflation has skyrocketed due to excessive money printing, massive spending, and by crushing our oil and gas industry. Inflation has caused damage to the lives of so many people and that is only going to get worse unless we stop it. And now a bill titled the Inflation Reduction Act that really is a concealed “green new deal.” Massive tax hikes, increased inflation, doubling the number of IRS agents. Is the IRS coming after you next?

  • Reduce Crime: From safe streets to exploding crime. Violent crimes such as rapes, assaults, robberies, and murders keep exploding upward in the large Democrat controlled cities. If you currently live in a safe area, the chances are that the crime will spread out to the suburbs and beyond. It’s only a matter of time, unless we stop it.

  • Secure Our borders: From secured borders to chaos and the destruction of our communities as a result. Our borders are now controlled by the cartels who have caused an influx of criminals into our country and into our lives. Unaccompanied children crossing the border are being sexually abused. Fentanyl deaths are exploding, up over 100% in the last 12 months and is now the number one cause of death in our country. Exploding in kids from ages 10 to 18. Tens of thousands of illegals receiving free healthcare, free education, and their living subsidized using billions of dollars of our taxpayer money.

  • Protect Our Freedoms: Worst of all is the assault on our freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to practice your faith, the right to bear arms. Trying to label parents as domestic terrorists for speaking out on their children’s education. Using the justice system to silence and control.

  • COVID-19: I feel that COVID has been used by politicians and others in power to push narratives and policies. All jobs are essential! No person should be forced to wear a mask, get a vaccine, or be excluded from employment or activities because of a personal choice. Teacher unions have hijacked the classrooms and School Boards have shown their cards. Parents are rallying together and are sick of it. We need to continue fighting for the protection of parental rights, gender specific sports, and the evaluation of proposed curriculum.